Brenda RIbble

Position: Best Foot Forward & NanoFlex Lead Educator

Position: The Foot Care Esthetician,

International Foot Care Educator,

Footlogix Brand Ambassador,

Retired RN,

Owner of Best Foot Forward Distribution,LLC,

Reiki Master, LNT, CMP, C (Pod), BSc Pod, Full Specialist

NanoFlex Lead Educator USA

“ Foot Focused” are the two words I professionally use to describe myself.

As a former Interventional Vascular/Cardiac Nurse, I place a heavy emphasis on wellness-inspired foot care choices, seeking education, products and skills that will change how the pedicure services are delivered and the industry is viewed.

With epidemic rates of diabetics, vascular compromised, cancer survivors, and other foot challenged clients attempting to find appropriate services/products to alleviate non-medical issues, pedicure/skin care services are no longer one-size fits-all!

As an International Foot Care Educator, I strive to help beauty professionals take The Next Step in meeting their ever changing clients’ foot care needs with education, products and support.