Success Stories From Past Nail Campers
These testimonials and comments have been made by those who attended camp in the past. We hope they will help you get excited about the next camp and the amazing experience you can have!
t so many wonderful friends that are still very close friends to this day! It truly is the best experience! And you learn so much while you’re there that you won’t believe it didn’t cost more
Nail camp introduced me to the nail family I never thought could happen. It was such a dog eat dog world once but really we work so much better together! I have made friendships and relationships I’m so very thankful for. It’s a place where nail techs unite!
Camp completely changed my career!! Like IN EVERY WAY. The first year or 2 was mostly helping with my skills and making friends but then I started to make real connections with brand owners like Lauren Wireman. She ended up becoming my mentor and friend and we still work together to this day! She gave me opportunities I never thought were possible, and I met her and developed this relationship at camp!!
Camp will absolutely change your career! It will give you an unlimited amount of new friends and nail family! You will have the biggest support system for anything and everything you need. I have never been in a place that Ive been surrounded by such inspiration and encouragement. The lifelong connections are priceless!
I have met so many amazing Nail Techs across the country and have been able to learn from them at the camp and beyond.. it really has changed me as a nail tech and a business owner.. inspired me to open my very own Polished Nail Academy Ocala! No regrets!

Changed my life it was absolutely amazing. You’ll learn more at nail camp than you’ll ever learn anywhere else. It’s up in personal with the trainers and the people who have come up with the product lines. It’s unbelievable plus you get to meet friends that you’ll never ever, lose in touch with if you ever need help they’re there for you. We’re all family and it’s amazing.
At Nail Camp, I’ve met so many Nail Techs from around the world that are now lifetime friends. They are always there for me, supporting my accomplishments and give me advise through hard times. It helped grow my confidence when I was an educator and now as a product owner. I’ve been in the industry 31 years and it’s the best event you can attend in the industry
Meeting the right people, can truly be life changing. And you’ll never know it, until you make an impact on them. And in return, they’ll make an impact on you. I’ve learned to dream beyond the table.
For me personally, it changed my life. I attended my first year and was SO shy. I went with Sandy Borges and had just became an educator for harmony and was also within 1 year of being a nail tech. I was so shy, nervous, and didn’t know anything! I became a sponge and took it all in. Throughout the many years of nail camps I have met so many amazing friends and mentors. Nail camp is now like my family reunion! If you have the opportunity to attend, it will not only change your career, but it will 100% change your life.
After classes I definitely came back more confident and ready to try new products and techniques. Being around other techs and like minded individuals was exactly what I needed to grow more and move out of the slump I felt like I was starting to fall into.