JUDGE #1 ______________________________________________________
1._____C-Curve / Degree & Consistency (C-Curve is at least 40% of a circle. It must measure even on each side. It must be symmetric.)
2._____Convex & Concave (Convex: Exterior bevel is completely symmetric. No high or low point on the outer surface. Nail must be evenly balanced and the free edge straight forward. Concave: Interior bevel or tunnel is completely symmetric. No shallow or unevenness throughout the entire free edge. Each side of the nail has the same depth of thickness.)
3._____Free Edge / Thickness (The nails must be consistently thin throughout the entire nails free edge and be uniformly thin on each nail. And no thicker than a credit card.)
JUDGE #2 __________________________________________________________________
4.______Side walls / Groove Walls (Free edge must extend straight out from the lateral fold. It must not flare or taper in. Must be uniform on each side. No notches or ridges on sidewalls.
5._____Smile Lines (Consistent shape on all exposed nails. Evenly applied so tips match, no shadows, clean line and evenly aligned.)
JUDGE #3 __________________________________________________________________
6. _____Apex/Arch (High point of apex or arch must be consistently placed on each nail. Must not be too forward or back. Not overly pronounced.)
7. _____Lateral Side Extension (From the nails profile the free edge must extend straight out from the natural nails lateral fold. It must not drop down or taper up. Uniform on each side.)
JUDGE #4 __________________________________________________________________
8._____Form / Tip Sellection (Tip must be sized to fit and cover the groove walls and extend straight out. No flared or tapered edges.)
9. _____Measured Length / Balance (Nail is measured cuticle to center of smile line, should match smile tips to free edge and nails must also match nail to nail from cuticle to free edge.)
10._____Nail & Tip Shape (The shape of the nails look consistent and uniform. The top of the free edge must not be uneven and the free edge is straight from the nail plate.)
JUDGE #5 __________________________________________________________________
11. _____Cuticle Area (No cuts or irritation around skin. No product ledge or missing product.)
12. _____ Product Control / Application (Even application of product. No shadows, air bubbles and pits. Sharp division of color at smile underside.)
13. _____Underside (No visible dust, debris, water, glue, oil or polish. No excess product.)
JUDGE #6 __________________________________________________________________
14. _____Surface Smoothness/Line of light/High Shine Finish (No file lines of demarcations. Finished product is smooth. No bumps. No dips. No ruff or dull spots.)
15._____Polish (Applied close and consistent at cuticle. No streaking in polish, sides and tip of edge covered. No polish on skin.)
10 Points – Perfect 9 Points – Almost Perfect 8 Points – Above Average 7 Points – Slightly Above Average
6 Points – Average 5 Points – Borderline 4 Points – Below Average 3 Points – Unacceptable
_____ LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: 10 pts.
How difficult the technique or skill required to accomplish the nail art.
______ ORIGINALITY: 10 pts.
Is this a fresh, creative and NEW idea? A new twist on an old idea?
Look for mastery of control of implements/tools used to accomplish design.
______ CONSISTENCY: 10 pts.
Nail art is consistent in style and control. Color has a smooth, neat finished appearance.
______ FINE ART APPEARANCE: 10 pts.
Images appear constant and do not have a “stenciled” appearance. Hand-cut stencil/ mask designs receive higher points than “out of the box” images.
Artwork that demonstrates contouring, shadowing and other unique techniques.
______ USE OF COLOR: 10 pts.
Use of complimentary and contrasting color techniques; knowledge of color theory apparent in finished artwork.
______ WORKMANSHIP: 10 pts.
Overall view of completed artwork. Is the design too “busy”?